Favourite reads and websites, all about play and learning in nature.
Jay Griffiths’ 'Kith' explores what we can learn from indigenous cultures to reverse current trends of unhappiness and consumer dependencies. Rich and poetically composed from the heart, Kith reignites the romance of childhood through a medley of case studies, stories, anthroplogy snippets, statistics, poetry, fairytales and news commentary; nourishing stuff.
David Sobel’s 'Beyond Ecophobia' makes a clear and strong case for age appropriate environmental education, with helpful analysis of children’s natural interests at different developmental stages, and a stark warning not to burden young children with issues of global environmental destruction.
This hefty book is well worth the effort! It's packed with enlightening case studies, playwork concepts and fresh ideas. This book really helped me understand the why of what I do and to see that play is as essential to our society as it is to childhood. It has also taught me to step back with confidence, trusting children to find their own way to make sense of the world.
Follow the links for online resources, case studies, ideas and more!
All about children's right to play, in Scotland:
Play Scotland
Great resources and general advice for anyone exploring outdoor learning:
Creative STAR Learning Company
For a radical perspective on teaching, learning and play
Psychology Today: Peter Gray's Blog
For understanding risk and the significance of adventurous play:
Rethinking Childhood: Tim Gill's Blog
Resources, stories, playwork theories and lots of creative ideas:
Kindling Playwork and Training
Great videos for schools seeking ideas for outdoor learning:
Education Scotland
For a fantastic range of resources and ideas supporting outdoor play and learning in schools:
Grounds for Learning - Learning through Landscapes
All about children's right to play, in Scotland:
Play Scotland
Great resources and general advice for anyone exploring outdoor learning:
Creative STAR Learning Company
For a radical perspective on teaching, learning and play
Psychology Today: Peter Gray's Blog
For understanding risk and the significance of adventurous play:
Rethinking Childhood: Tim Gill's Blog
Resources, stories, playwork theories and lots of creative ideas:
Kindling Playwork and Training
Great videos for schools seeking ideas for outdoor learning:
Education Scotland
For a fantastic range of resources and ideas supporting outdoor play and learning in schools:
Grounds for Learning - Learning through Landscapes